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ASMR for sleep meditation

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Hardly anything feels better than a good night of sleep. A peaceful sleep leaves you refreshed, energized, and ready to make the most of a new day. ASMR is an excellent option to add to your sleep preparation toolbox. It brings you to a state of whispered stillness and relaxation that promotes a gentle and easy entry into sleep.

What is ASMR?

The term ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It describes the tingling sensation felt in the crown of the head which can travel down the neck and along the spine. ASMR is felt in response to triggers such as the comforting noise of whispers, finger tapping, or the scratching of a pencil. Less common triggers include the sounds of laughter, airplane sounds, and the noise of a vacuum cleaner. These slow and repetitive sounds induce a state of relaxation and stillness which could allow you to easily transition into sleep.

The first peer-reviewed study of ASMR was published in 2015. The study found that over 80% of participants responded positively when asked if listening to ASMR affected their mood. There were also positive responses to questions of whether ASMR contributed to a relief of pain and depression. Overall, the majority of participants said that ASMR helped them to relax and to fall asleep.

How does ASMR help you relax to fall asleep?

If you’ve ever experienced a peaceful, tingling sensation in response to receiving a massage or getting your hair brushed, then you can imagine what your response might be to an ASMR meditation. Picture closing your eyes and having someone whisper in your ear. It calms anxiety, induces comfort, and helps you prepare for sleep.

There are several hypotheses for how ASMR works which involve the physiological responses that happen when you listen to ASMR sounds and personal attention. Endorphins are released, which reduce feelings of pain and stress. Oxytocin may be secreted, which can contribute to the tingling sensation felt in the head, neck, and spine in response to ASMR. The release of serotonin helps you relax and sleep, and dopamine will encourage you to crave that tingling and relaxing sensation which helps you to fall asleep.

Not everyone responds to ASMR, but if it does work for you, it can help you combat insomnia and experience indulgent relaxation as you fall asleep. Having earbuds and your BetterSleep app present in your sleeping space can be helpful for responding to wakefulness throughout the night. A few minutes of a guided ASMR meditation can help you get right back to sleep.

Guided ASMR meditations

Guided ASMR meditations from BetterSleep will help to bring you into a state of whispered stillness. There will be no need to focus on the inhaling and exhaling of breath. All you need to do is get into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and listen.

Listening to an ASMR guided meditation will help you to stop tossing and turning and to focus on a state of pure rest and stillness. As you focus on the sounds of ASMR whispers, you will feel yourself relax. Unlike other guided meditations, there will be no need to bring your attention to your breath or parts of your body. Unlike listening to the TV or radio, there will be no need to take in information. You will not need to focus on listening; simply let your body respond naturally to the guided ASMR meditation.

As you listen to an ASMR guided meditation on BetterSleep, you will feel and understand the importance of “non-doing.” Even before you enter a state of sleep, you will feel the effects of ASMR releasing stress from your body. The stillness that you experience will have ripple effects on your sleep and on the peace you feel in your day to day life.