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Yoga Day 2021: Honouring Your Wellbeing
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Yoga Day 2021: Honouring Your Wellbeing
by BetterSleep
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Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Since 2015, Yoga Day has been celebrated on June 21st, the longest day of the year.

Stress less and make time to practice yoga today with this special flow. You can enjoy these poses from a yoga mat, or from the comfort of your bed.

Yoga Flow Practice for Yoga Day

Padmasana or Lotus Pose

This is a cross-legged seated meditation pose from ancient India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. Relax, breathe deeply, drop the shoulders back and open the chest. Lengthen your spine, gaze forward and place your hands on your knees.

Sukhasana or Seated Side Bend Pose

Start by finding a cross-legged seat. Reach your right arm up and overhead and lean to the left side. Breathe slowly and keep the hips grounded. Repeat, this time with your left arm raise and tilted to the right.

Parvatasana Seated Mountain Pose

Start with a a cross-legged seat. Reach your arms up and overhead, and interlace your fingers, stretching up. Breathe slowly and deeply to feel the tensions fade away.

Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose

Sit down, and press the soles of your feet together. Allow your knees to open and drop out to the sides. Breathe deeply, gently press the hips down, and lengthen your spine. Drop the shoulders down and open your chest.

Supta Matsyendrasana or Supine Spinal Twist Pose

Lie on your back and bend your knees into your chest. Rotate your hips to the left, and drop your knees over to the left side. Extend your arms, and take your gaze to the right side. Take your knees back to center and repeat the process on the right side.

Viparita Karani or Legs up the Wall Pose

Lie on your back with your sitting bones as close to the wall as comfortable. Extend your legs up the wall, so that the back of your legs is resting fully against it. Breathe deeply.

Apanasana or Knees to Chest Pose

Lie down on your back and pull both knees up to your chest. Slowly pull the knees toward the shoulders until you feel the stretch in your lower back.

Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose

Lie on your back, exhale and bend your knees into the belly. Inhale and hold the outside edge of your feet. Open your knees and guide them up toward your armpits.

Savasana or Corpse Pose

Lie down on your back and extend your arms and legs, letting them drop open. Close your eyes, allow your feet to rotate to the sides, and keep your palms facing up. Notice your breath as it flows in and out with ease.

We hope you enjoyed this yoga practice brought by Anna Hogarth, RYT.

To make the most of this relaxing day, try Yoga Nidra to fall asleep.

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